
Saturday 26 April 2014

Writing to Describe Example

Alaskan Adventure

Sun, sea and sand; the old cliché of a perfect holiday. Well not for me- I’ve just arrived back in the UK from the rather remote state of Alaska; the fiftieth and arguably most beautiful state of the USA. For those inclined to disagree with me, let me give you a few facts about this wonderful land whose name literally means ‘the object towards which the action of the sea is directed’ and known by the natives as ‘the Great Land.’ It certainly is great in size; it is larger than the combined area of the twenty two smallest US states yet it is the least densely populated due to its vast inhabitable but stunning scenery.

I was one of the lucky ones who got to witness some of this remote beauty and it took my breath away. From great icebergs and killer whales, to bears salmon fishing in the rivers, to quaint towns rich with tradition and culinary treats, this place has it all and I would truly recommend it to anyone who wants an adventure. Who wouldn’t want to spend their lunch camping in the lush forests overlooking a lake that is smooth as glass? Then, for the more adventurous, a guided tour to witness the great Grizzly Bear salmon fishing in Brook Falls. It is truly awe inspiring to watch these beasts hunt with such accuracy although I must admit I will now look at my trusty stuffed teddy bear at home with a lot more respect and a hint of fear! These creatures are truly magnificent but I have to admit after some of the stories the tour guide told us, I was a little nervous to be quite so close to a hungry bear who was looking for his next meal!

On day four of the trip, I took a boat ride out past the icebergs, and with blue, numb hands, attempted to hold on to my binoculars as I gazed out to the endless  ocean hoping to spot a pod of whales. Just as I thought I would succumb to hypothermia, my body soon recovered with the thrill of a whale in the distance that leapt out of the water in a battle with a plucky seal who put up quite a fight, although I am sure our cheering for him on the boat gave him the extra courage to escape the jaws of this majestic predator!

Watching all of nature’s giants hunting for their dinner gives you a pretty big appetite and after what seemed like an eternity of waiting for our own food, and debating hunting for my own food at one point as I was so hungry, the food that we were served soon ended my resentment at the slow service on board and I tucked in to what the locals called a ‘Firecracker grilled salmon’ and after my first bite I soon realised where it got its name from! The spice certainly warms you up and is washed down nicely with some chilled cherry and berry fizz. I have never quite experienced a meal like it but I will certainly be trying this recipe myself when I get back home as the meal was absolutely divine and all the outside air gives you one heck of an appetite!

Day eight of my trip involved meeting a modern Alutiiq dancer in traditional festive garb who treated the local town to a wonderful display of lights, colours and movements that I doubt I will ever see again. After this wonderful performance, I rather foolishly agreed to don the hat and shawl and have a go myself, much to the amusement of the lead dancer who informed me that he had “...never seen anything quite like it” which I presume was NOT a compliment judging by the sly smile that crept across his face as he said it. Nevertheless, despite realising that I would never have a career as a dancer in Alaska, I had a wonderful evening that ended in a rather unusual barbeque involving moose, salmon and other creatures that I have yet to identify.

Day thirteen arrived far too quickly and my Alaskan Adventure had to end. I would strongly recommend this trip for anyone who wants to experience something new and I would highly suggest that you make sure you do the following:

·         Go on a tour of the forest to witness the Grizzlys.

·         Book a boat tour of the ocean to go whale watching.

·         Make your way in to Juneau to visit the quaint shops and sample the local cuisine.

·         Watch the Alutiiq dancers (and volunteer to join if you are brave enough!)


I am positive that anyone who follows my advice will have an adventure of a lifetime.

If you fancy yourself as a bit of an Attenborough lover then the best way to see Alaska is to go there yourself so get out of your armchair and make your way to the travel agents as soon as you can as you have to experience it for yourselves.

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